Definition of Double star

1. Noun. A system of two stars that revolve around each other under their mutual gravitation.

Definition of Double star

1. Noun. (star) Two stars which form a stellar system, such that they orbit the point of equilibrium of their gravitational fields; a binary star. ¹

2. Noun. (star) Two stars that appear to be one when seen with the naked eye, either because they orbit one another (binary stars) or happen to be in the same line of sight even though they are separated by a great distance (optical binaries). ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Double Star

double room
double rooms
double salt
double saucepan
double scull
double sculls
double sharp
double sharps
double sheet bend
double space
double spaced
double stain
double standard
double standards
double star
double star system
double star systems
double stars
double steal
double steals
double stitch
double stop
double stopping
double stops
double straddle
double straddles
double switch
double tachycardia
double take

Literary usage of Double star

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Popular Science Monthly by Harry Houdini Collection (Library of Congress) (1886)
"In other words, the closest double star which a telescope will separate, expressed in seconds of arc, equals four and a half divided by the diameter of the ..."

2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society by Royal Astronomical Society (1887)
"In the "Remarks" on the double-star observations (Ie p. 78) Herschel alludes to this object, saying that " a minute and very close double star forms the ..."

3. Astronomy and Astro-physics by European Southern Observatory, Goodsell Observatory (1886)
"THE double star CETI 82. ... of England, well known to observers in the United States, calls attention to double-star Ceti 82. ..."

4. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (1891)
"DOUBLE-STAR OBSERVATIONS. By Prof. GW HOUGH, Evanston, I11. [ABSTRACT.] THE increased optical power secured daring the past quarter of a cen- ..."

5. Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature by Anna Lorraine Guthrie, Marion A. Knight, H.W. Wilson Company, Estella E. Painter (1920)
"Astrophys J 43:167-70 Mr '16 Curious spectroscopic double star. Pop Astron 25:293-4 My '17 Densities of visual binary stars. ..."

6. Nature by Nature Publishing Group, Norman Lockyer (1883)
"(l) " Results of double star measures made at the Sydney Observatory, NSW, 1871 to 1881," under the direction of Mr. HC Russell, Government Astronomer for ..."

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